The Directors New
Roads! Or a sad tale of Induced Demand!
by a recent podcast by the wonderful Andy Boenau - Urbanism Speakeasy. This is
my take on the inspiring story by Hans Christian Anderson adapted for today and
set out to highlight why we always appear to miss the obvious even though it's
before our very eyes. How sometimes it
takes the eyes of a child to spot what we can't see through professional
assumptions. Unlike children we've all had our corners knocked off a bit and
that isn't always a good thing. So in reading this I hope I can make you think
about adding a few corners back on. Or
at least challenging the status quo a bit more! It's a bit of fun or is it? Does
this go on daily across the UK in transport funding, planning and design?
The Director's New
years ago there was a Local Authority Director so exceedingly fond of new
businesses that he spent all his money on building new roads for cars and
lorries in the hope it would attract them.
He didn’t read evidence or look at current research. He cared nothing
about people that walked, people that cycled or those that ride in a local bus,
except to occasionally spend a little on these modes to try and show fairness.
He had a set of traffic lights for every hour of the day, and instead of
saying, as one might, about any other place, "The Director is engaging
with his community or creating a liveable walkable city" here they always
said. "The Director is planning the next road widening or junction."
the great city where he lived, life was always very busy, everyday many
strangers came to town, and among them one day came two professionals. They let
it be known they were traffic engineers, and they said they could build the
most magnificent roads imaginable. Not only were their junctions and extra
carriageways uncommonly fine, but roads made this way had a wonderful way of
making congestion invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position, office,
or who was unusually stupid.
would be just the roads for me," thought the Director "If I build
them I would be able to discover which people in my city are unfit for their
posts. And I could tell the wise people from the fools. I will remove congestion! Yes, I certainly
must get some of these roads built for me right away." He paid the two
traffic engineers a large sum of money to start work at once.
set up a large office and began to model traffic, though there was nothing but
numbers and algorithms on their computers.
All the finest software and the purest CAD systems which they demanded
went into their new office, while they worked these meaningless computer
systems far into the night.
like to know how those traffic engineers are getting on with my new
roads," the Director thought, but he felt slightly uncomfortable when he
remembered that those who were unfit for their position would not be able to
see the congesting becoming invisible. It couldn't have been that he doubted
himself, yet he thought he'd rather send someone else to see how things were
going. The whole City knew about the new road's peculiar powers, and all were
impatient to find out how stupid their neighbours were.
send my honest old Head of Transport to the traffic engineers" the
Director decided. "He'll be the best one to tell me how the new roads
look, for he's a sensible man and no one does his duty better."
the honest old Head of Transport went to the room where the two Traffic
Engineers sat working away at their software and meaningless computers.
help me," he thought as his eyes flew wide open, "I can see that this
will just fill up and cause more traffic and not hide the congestion at
all". But he did not say so.
the traffic engineers begged him to be so kind as to come near to approve the
excellent road, the beautiful junctions. They pointed to the meaningless
computer, and the poor old Head of Transport stared as hard as he dared. He couldn't
see anything that made the congestion invisible because there was nothing to
see. "Heaven have mercy," he thought. "Can it be that I'm a
fool? I'd have never guessed it, and not a soul must know. Am I unfit to be the
Head of Transport? It would never do to let on that I can't see the congestion
hesitate to tell us what you think of it," said one of the traffic
it's wonderful -it's enchanting." The old Head of Transport peered through
his spectacles. "Such a road, what junctions!" I'll be sure to tell
the Director how delighted I am with it."
pleased to hear that," the traffic engineers said. They proceeded to show
all the extra lane widths and to explain the intricate junctions. The old Head
of Transport paid the closest attention, so that he could tell it all to the
Director. And so he did.
traffic engineers at once asked for more money, more computers and more
engineers, to get on with the road design. But it all went into their road. Not
a thread went into the cycle tracks, bus routes or pavements, though they
worked at their designing as hard as ever.
Director presently sent another trustworthy official to see how the work
progressed and how soon it would be ready. The same thing happened to her that
had happened to the Head of Transport.
She looked and she looked, but as there was no benefits to see in the
new roads she couldn't see the congestion becoming invisible.
it a wonderful piece of design?" the traffic engineers asked her, as they
displayed and described their imaginary disappearing traffic road.
know I'm not stupid," the woman thought, "so it must be that I'm
unworthy of my good office. That's strange. I mustn't let anyone find it out,
though." So she praised the disappearing congestion she did not see. She
declared she was delighted with the wonderful additional lanes and the
exquisite junctions To the Director she said, "It held me
entire City was talking of these splendid roads, and the Director wanted to see
it for himself while it was still on the drawing board. Attended by a band of
chosen men and women, among whom were his two old trusted officials - the ones
who had been to the traffic engineers, he set out to see the two traffic engineers.
He found them designing with might and main, but without a stitch of congestion
said the two officials already duped. "Just look, Your Majesty, what
carriageways! What a design!" They pointed to the meaningless computers and
drawings each supposing that the others could see how the congestion would
this?" thought the Director. "I can't see any congestion
disappearing. This is terrible!
I a fool? Am I unfit to be the Director? What a thing to happen to me of all
people what will big business say! Oh! It's very clever," he said.
"It has my highest approval." And he nodded approbation at the
computers and drawings. Nothing could make him say that he couldn't see any
congestion disappearing.
His whole retinue stared and stared. One saw no more than another, but they all joined the Director in exclaiming, "Oh! It's very clever," and they advised him to build the roads from this wonderful design especially for the great procession he was soon to lead. "Magnificent! Excellent! Unsurpassed!" were bandied from mouth to mouth, and everyone did his best to seem well pleased. The Director gave each of the traffic engineers a cross to wear in his buttonhole, and the title of "Chief Traffic Engineer."
the procession the Traffic Engineers worked day and night, shut off all the
existing roads and laid lots of new concrete and tarmac, to show how busy they
were finishing the Director's new roads. They pretended to take the numbers off
the computers. They made holes in the ground with huge diggers, laid drainage
put in endless traffic lights. And at last they said, "Now the Director's
new roads are ready for him."
the Director himself came with his noblest Heads of Service and local
dignitaries, and the traffic engineers each stood proudly in front of their
designs. They said, "These are the keys to your car, here's your coat,
just get in, drive off and the congestion will miraculously disappear.
"All of our designs are truly marvellous you will hardly notice the lack
of traffic. One would almost think we hadn't removed the cars and lorries such
is the subtlety of our design."
all the Heads of Service agreed, though as they looked out could see queues
building up and no congestion disappearing, for there was nothing new to see.
The Director will condescend to drive his car along the road," said the
traffic engineers, "we will help you onto the new roads with our new
traffic signals and computer management systems." “As Director you will not
have to worry about cyclists and pedestrians as we have made no provision for
them at all."
Director put on his coat, and the traffic engineers turned on the magical
traffic signals and computer system, one road after another. They took him
outside and seemed to be looking at something - that was the supposed car free
roads and the Director turned round and round before the City folk amazed at
his own foresight and planning.
well your new roads look. Aren't they becoming?" He heard on all sides,
"That new carriageway, so perfect! Those junctions, so suitable! It is a
magnificent transport system."
Then the minister of public processions announced: "The Director's car is waiting."
I'm supposed to be ready," the Director said, and turned again for one
last look at the roads "It is a remarkable design isn't it?" He
seemed to regard his roads with the greatest interest.
Heads of Service and dignitaries who were to follow his car looked from their
cars as if all the traffic was moving freely. Then they pretended not to notice
the huge queues building up behind them. They didn't dare admit the congestion
was not invisible.
off went the Director in procession under his splendid canopy but moving just a
few feet or so. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how
fine are the Director's new roads! Don't they move the traffic along more
freely? And we see no long queues!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't
see any congestion disappearing, for that would prove him either unfit for his
position, or a fool. No road the Director had built before was ever such a
complete success.
from the crowd a small voice spoke "But the congestion hasn't gone at
all" a little child said, "and there is nowhere for me to walk or
ride my bike!"
you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said the boy’s father. And one
person whispered to another what the child had said, "The congestion
hasn't gone. A child says the congestion hasn't gone at all."
Director shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This
procession has got to go on." So he sat stationary in his car more proudly
than ever, as his Heads of Service sat behind him in the congestion that wasn't
there at all.
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